Beckel Canvas Productsは、1964年Bob Beckel(ボブ・ベッケル)氏によってアメリカオレゴン州の


アメリカ空軍でパラシュートの縫製の技術を習得しテントに用いることを考えました。 Beckelの顧客の大部分は


自動車メーカーのフォルクスワーゲンや地元の有名ホテルAce Hotelやアメリカのアウトドアブーツの定番として愛され続けるDanner Boots など、

多くの会社より依頼を受けてきました。また、ボブ・ベッケル氏とDanner Bootsの創業者Bill Dannerはビジネスをスタートさせる前から


Beckel Canvas Productsは生産工場の拡大は考えず常にハンドメイドに拘った商品づくりを行っています。


Beckel Canvas Products, which manufactures high-quality camping tents has been in business since 1964.

Bob Beckel began sewing parachutes while in the Air Force, and after the war began making tents for Volkswagen.

The majority of Beckel's customers are still dedicated hunters and campers in search of durable gear,

but they’ve discovered a new following with clients like the ACE Hotel ,

who want to collaborate with local manufacturers and appreciate the quality of Beckel’s manufacturing and old-school aesthetic.

They’ve also collaborated with local brands like Danner Boots—Bob Beckel and Bill Danner were friends, before Beckel’s passing.

They are not thinking about expanding production plants, and are constantly making products that are handmade.